Evaluator provides a simple Shiny-based web application for interactive exploration of simulation results. This allows a user to interactively review simulation output without generating an extensive report. For users comfortable with R, working directly with the result dataframes will usually be preferable, with the Explorer application provided as a bare-bones data exploration tool.
input_directory = "~/evaluator/inputs",
results_directory = "~/evaluator/results",
styles = NULL,
intermediates_dir = tempdir(),
quiet = TRUE,
Location of input files to be read by read_quantitative_inputs
Directory where the simulations_results.rds
file is stored.
Optional full path to CSS file to override default styles.
Location for intermediate knit files.
to suppress printing of pandoc output.
Any other parameters to pass to rmarkdown::run
Invisible NULL.
if (FALSE) {
explore_scenarios("~/inputs", "~/results")