Given a summarized results dataframe, unnest the summary results column and use the value at risk (VaR) column to identify all the elements that are outliers (having a VaR >= two standard deviations)




Scenario summary results


The supplied dataframe with the following additional columns:

  • ale_var_zscore - Annual loss z-score

  • outlier - Logical flag when the z-score is greater than or equal to two


#> # A tibble: 56 × 20
#>    scenario_id domain_id control_descriptions results           loss_events_mean
#>    <chr>       <chr>     <list>               <list>                       <dbl>
#>  1 RS-01       ORG       <named list [7]>     <tibble [1,000 ×…            7.48 
#>  2 RS-02       ORG       <named list [7]>     <tibble [1,000 ×…            7.48 
#>  3 RS-03       ORG       <named list [7]>     <tibble [1,000 ×…            1.72 
#>  4 RS-04       ORG       <named list [8]>     <tibble [1,000 ×…            2.73 
#>  5 RS-05       ORG       <named list [5]>     <tibble [1,000 ×…            4.21 
#>  6 RS-06       POL       <named list [4]>     <tibble [1,000 ×…            0    
#>  7 RS-07       POL       <named list [4]>     <tibble [1,000 ×…            0    
#>  8 RS-08       POL       <named list [4]>     <tibble [1,000 ×…            0.042
#>  9 RS-09       COMP      <named list [2]>     <tibble [1,000 ×…            0    
#> 10 RS-10       COMP      <named list [2]>     <tibble [1,000 ×…            1.90 
#> # … with 46 more rows, and 15 more variables: loss_events_median <dbl>,
#> #   loss_events_min <int>, loss_events_max <int>, ale_median <dbl>,
#> #   ale_max <dbl>, ale_var <dbl>, sle_mean <dbl>, sle_median <dbl>,
#> #   sle_min <dbl>, sle_max <dbl>, mean_tc_exceedance <dbl>,
#> #   mean_diff_exceedance <dbl>, mean_vuln <dbl>, ale_var_zscore <dbl>,
#> #   outlier <lgl>