Import capabilities from survey spreadsheet

import_capabilities(survey_file = NULL, domains = NULL)



Path to survey Excel file. If not supplied, a default sample file is used.


Dataframe of domains and domain IDs.


Extracted capabilities as a dataframe.


import_capabilities(domains = mc_domains)
#> # A tibble: 60 × 4
#>    capability_id domain_id capability                                  diff     
#>    <chr>         <chr>     <chr>                                       <chr>    
#>  1 CAP-01        ORG       A senior-level committee provides dedicate… 5 - Opti…
#>  2 CAP-02        ISMP      An information security framework is estab… 2 - Repe…
#>  3 CAP-03        ORG       Delegated authority is established for inc… 2 - Repe…
#>  4 CAP-04        ISMP      Information security activities are suppor… 2 - Repe…
#>  5 CAP-05        ORG       Information security activities between de… 4 - Mana…
#>  6 CAP-06        ISMP      Roles and responsibilities are established… 3 - Defi…
#>  7 CAP-07        ORG       Senior management's strategy and direction… 1 - Init…
#>  8 CAP-08        COMP      The information security program supports … 2 - Repe…
#>  9 CAP-09        POL       A designated group is set up to act as omb… 2 - Repe…
#> 10 CAP-10        POL       External authorities and industry trends a… 5 - Opti…
#> # … with 50 more rows