Import scenarios from survey spreadsheet

import_scenarios(survey_file = NULL, domains = NULL)



Path to survey Excel file. Defaults to a sample file if not supplied.


Dataframe of domains and domain IDs.


Extracted qualitative scenarios as a dataframe.


import_scenarios(domains = mc_domains)
#> # A tibble: 56 × 8
#>    scenario_id scenario        tcomm    tef   tc    lm    domain_id controls    
#>    <chr>       <chr>           <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>     <chr>       
#>  1 RS-01       Inadequate hum… Technol… freq… medi… medi… ORG       CAP-01, CAP…
#>  2 RS-02       Budget does no… Technol… freq… medi… medi… ORG       CAP-01, CAP…
#>  3 RS-03       Competing prio… Technol… occa… medi… medi… ORG       CAP-01, CAP…
#>  4 RS-04       Increased negl… Technol… occa… medi… medi… ORG       CAP-01, CAP…
#>  5 RS-05       The informatio… Technol… occa… medi… low   ORG       CAP-01, CAP…
#>  6 RS-06       Inconsistent i… Organiz… freq… low   low   POL       CAP-09, CAP…
#>  7 RS-07       Misuse of info… Organiz… occa… low   low   POL       CAP-09, CAP…
#>  8 RS-08       Noncompliance … Organiz… rare  medi… low   POL       CAP-09, CAP…
#>  9 RS-09       New or changin… Regulat… occa… low   high  COMP      CAP-08, CAP…
#> 10 RS-10       Internal workf… Organiz… freq… medi… medi… COMP      CAP-08, CAP…
#> # … with 46 more rows