Given a list of quantitative scenario objects of type tidyrisk_scenario, run a OpenFAIR Monte Carlo simulation for each scenario.

  iterations = 10000L,
  ale_maximum = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  simulation_count = NULL



A tidyrisk_scenario object.


Additional tidyrisk_scenario objects to simulate.


Number of iterations to run on each scenario.


Maximum practical annual losses.


Whether verbose console output is requested.


DEPRECATED Number of simulations to perform.


A list of one dataframe of results for each scenario.


# fetch three scenarios for this example
scenario_a <- mc_quantitative_scenarios$scenario[[1]]
scenario_b <- mc_quantitative_scenarios$scenario[[2]]
scenario_c <- mc_quantitative_scenarios$scenario[[3]]
run_simulations(scenario_a, scenario_b, scenario_c, iterations = 10)
#> [[1]]
#> # A tibble: 10 × 11
#>    iteration threat_events loss_events  vuln mean_tc_exceedance mean_diff_excee…
#>        <int>         <int>       <int> <dbl>              <dbl>            <dbl>
#>  1         1            30           5 0.167             0.0463           0.0690
#>  2         2            30          11 0.367             0.0323           0.0723
#>  3         3            23           7 0.304             0.0249           0.0842
#>  4         4            19          11 0.579             0.0330           0.0604
#>  5         5            24           4 0.167             0.0281           0.0759
#>  6         6            36          14 0.389             0.0255           0.0633
#>  7         7            32           7 0.219             0.0405           0.0580
#>  8         8            31           8 0.258             0.0210           0.0711
#>  9         9            41          11 0.268             0.0299           0.0660
#> 10        10            20           4 0.2               0.0459           0.0855
#> # … with 5 more variables: ale <dbl>, sle_mean <dbl>, sle_median <dbl>,
#> #   sle_max <dbl>, sle_min <dbl>
#> [[2]]
#> # A tibble: 10 × 11
#>    iteration threat_events loss_events  vuln mean_tc_exceedance mean_diff_excee…
#>        <int>         <int>       <int> <dbl>              <dbl>            <dbl>
#>  1         1            30           5 0.167             0.0463           0.0690
#>  2         2            30          11 0.367             0.0323           0.0723
#>  3         3            23           7 0.304             0.0249           0.0842
#>  4         4            19          11 0.579             0.0330           0.0604
#>  5         5            24           4 0.167             0.0281           0.0759
#>  6         6            36          14 0.389             0.0255           0.0633
#>  7         7            32           7 0.219             0.0405           0.0580
#>  8         8            31           8 0.258             0.0210           0.0711
#>  9         9            41          11 0.268             0.0299           0.0660
#> 10        10            20           4 0.2               0.0459           0.0855
#> # … with 5 more variables: ale <dbl>, sle_mean <dbl>, sle_median <dbl>,
#> #   sle_max <dbl>, sle_min <dbl>
#> [[3]]
#> # A tibble: 10 × 11
#>    iteration threat_events loss_events   vuln mean_tc_exceedan… mean_diff_excee…
#>        <int>         <int>       <int>  <dbl>             <dbl>            <dbl>
#>  1         1             7           2 0.286             0.0446           0.0608
#>  2         2             7           1 0.143             0.0538           0.0457
#>  3         3            11           1 0.0909            0.0418           0.0901
#>  4         4             5           3 0.6               0.0261           0.0745
#>  5         5             4           0 0                 0                0.0948
#>  6         6             6           3 0.5               0.0206           0.0961
#>  7         7             8           1 0.125             0.0298           0.0868
#>  8         8             8           4 0.5               0.0341           0.0691
#>  9         9             7           2 0.286             0.0377           0.0601
#> 10        10            10           1 0.1               0.0247           0.0803
#> # … with 5 more variables: ale <dbl>, sle_mean <dbl>, sle_median <dbl>,
#> #   sle_max <dbl>, sle_min <dbl>